Nonprofit board members often face difficulties with logistics when it comes to having meetings in person. However, with virtual technology there are numerous benefits of holding meetings remotely. This includes:

The ability to reach a wider geographical area. This can lead to increased diversity in the board and an increased understanding of governance official site issues.

Reduced travel expenses. Reduced travel expenses.

A less ambiguous approach to attendance and quorum. This is particularly true when you use a board management tool that provides an easy way for members to sign in.

More flexibility with scheduling. This allows nonprofits to plan board meetings at times that are most suitable for their members.

Engagement was increased. A well-planned agenda, and a clear plan for board meetings will enable this to be achieved. A more engaged and collaborative board will result in better decision-making.

Virtual board meetings: Benefits and challenges

Even though it’s simpler to focus on work during a virtual meeting than in physically held meetings but it’s not easy to avoid distractions such as checking emails or eating snacks while the meeting is in progress. To prevent this from happening, it’s essential to establish a protocol for conversation before the meeting. To minimize background noise, it is possible to inform attendees that it’s acceptable to turn off their microphones whenever they’re not talking. Keep meetings brief to ensure focus and interest. Monitoring regularly with remote attendees can also assist.

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