Board meeting procedures dictate the manner in which discussions are conducted as well as what decisions will be made at a board session. These meetings are often held remotely, which is why it is essential to have clear procedures for board meetings to ensure all members are on same level.
First, send the agenda to all members. Include any relevant documents, like an accounting report for the company or projections. This helps members prepare for the meeting, and provides them with the information they require to take an informed decision regarding any topic.
During the meeting, participants are encouraged to take part in the discussion by raising their hand before making any statements or asking questions. However, they should be aware of their the time limit and avoid asking questions that have already been addressed in the board’s pack and wasting their time.
The Chairman and the majority of Directors who are present at the meeting must consent to any discussion of issues that are not listed on the agenda. A resolution is also adopted by the Directors present at the meeting. If there is an equal number of Directors present, the Chairman will have the casting vote.
The vote occurs following a statement from an individual has been made and the chair has confirmed that there is a quorum in the room (usually an exact percentage, according to the laws of your state). Then, the chairman states that “the motion dies due to lack of a second.” If it is necessary to take a vote during the meeting, the chair usually will reintroduce the motion, asking for affirmative votes, and then the negative votes are announced and then the outcome of the vote.